Share and tell the people who are most important in your life how much you love them-Happy 80th Birthday Daddy
My dad turns 80 years old today. Admittedly, it feels a little odd to have an 80-year-old father, but I’ve always felt a little different. Growing up as the oldest daughter of Jay Broadwell, I witnessed and experienced childhood different than those around me. My Dad always made sure that I knew how [read more]
How I was FINALLY able to recognize both my own triggers and my own physical responses to trauma
In late 2022, I was introduced to the work of Gabor Mate and discovered Compassionate Inquiry™. CI, for short, begins with the foundation that all people have experienced trauma by being born into and existing in a world with hurting and imperfect people. Generational trauma is passed down in families and most people are unaware [read more]
My 1st Podcast Episode :}
Hi everyone, If you have been with me for any amount of time, you know, I love being a therapist but I do not like being the center of attention. However, when it comes to talking about therapy and why mental health matters, I will continue to share. Recently, I was a guest [read more]
Welcome to Grounded In Compassion! Hi, I’m Anna
***This post is written by Anna's partner and biggest cheerleader. Hope you enjoy and looking forward to meeting you!*** I have a crush on your future therapist! Wait, what? ___ Ok, I will get back to that statement shortly but first, what do people normally say about therapy? Usually a mix of two [read more]