When a Compassionate Inquiry™ informed therapist and a client connect, using the Compassionate Inquiry model, the client and therapist can reveal the client’s mental climate, some of their hidden assumptions, implicit memories and states of the body that tells the real story that words can’t express.
Through the use of this approach, a client is able to unearth the hidden forces that control their lives and how to free themselves from these forces. Dr Gabor Mate, who developed Compassionate Inquiry™, says:
“the purpose of the compassionate inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves-to get them to see what stories they are telling themselves unconsciously; what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them…that’s what Compassionate Inquiry™ is.”
I see Compassionate Inquiry or CI as experiential. CI is very much about present moment awareness and present moment experience.
Personally, I see a CI certified therapist biweekly, where I have been able to process unconscious traumas and beliefs I had about those traumas as a child. This work I have done on my own inner child with CI has been therapeutically some of the most life changing and life-giving therapy I have experienced.
In my work with clients, I am able to integrate this approach into our therapeutic working relationship.